Friday 8 May 2015

blogger #8

Korean was a forgotten war because of how some of the medals came in the mail, instead of a ceremony and there was also no big celebration for the soldiers that just came from the war. Usually soldiers get their medals at a ceremony but in this war just some of the soldiers got medals but they came in the mail so it made them think that the war was for nothing so it made them think that it wasn't worth it and continues with their lives like nothing happened same with everyone else who didn't fight because they didn't really hear or know about the Korean war when it ended. Canadians shouldn't forget about it because more Canadians fought in that war then Dday (2x) and in the Gulf war (6x).  The war was also a long war which was 3 years (1950-1953), Canadians should remember because it had a small impact on some Canadians

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