Friday 10 April 2015

3 worst things about trench warfare

The three worst things about trench warfare are trench foot, there's gonna be dead bodies lying around, and there's a lot of rats. The very worst thing about trench warfare would be trench foot. Trench foot is the worst because your foot would get infected for being in the mud for so long. The second worst thing about trench warfare is that there are a lot of rats in the trenches. It's the second worst because the men have to sleep in the trenches so they don't get shot and when they sleep the rats will start to eat the soldiers. The third worst thing about trench warfare is that there are dead bodies lying around everywhere in the trenches. That's the third worst because after some time the bodies will start to smell really bad.


  1. I somewhat agree to what you're saying, you have good spelling and good grammar, but you could use some different words to replace some of the simpler words.

    1. Cameron, could you be specific regarding what you agree with? Make specific references to the blog post in your comment.

  2. I like the way you ranked the things you wouldn't like. It seems like your ranking goes along with what would most directly affect the soldier. Trench foot is worst because it's actually a medical condition you would suffer from. Rats also interfere with a person's body (nibbling on it). And even though some people might think the rotting bodies would be the worst, they actually have the least impact on the soldier's body.
