Saturday, 21 March 2015

Third Blogger

Third BloggerThe Winnipeg General Strike is Canada's best known general strike that happened on May 15-25, June 1919. There was massive unemployment and inflation. In Winnipeg on May 15, 1919, and when negotiations broke down between management and labor in the building and metal trades, the Winnipeg trades and Labor council called a general strike. At stake were the principle of collective bargaining, and better wages and working conditions. Within hours almost 30,000 workers left their jobs. The strike left a legacy of bitterness and controversy among organized labor groups across Canada

Secound Blogger

Second Blogger

The message of this poster is saying that everyone should go to war, there's no excuse to fight for your country, all men should fight in the war
B)Targeting people who aren't fighting, techniques- Guy talking, man standing doing nothing, the caption
First Blogger- artifacts Box

What I found Interesting about the box is that some of the artifacts are real. But what I also found that should be included is more interesting artifacts from the war, and also more real artifacts even if they have dents and stuff it makes it look neater. What I also found is some of them worked even if they weren't real like the gas mask alarm, it was really loud. I like the idea that younger kids can see what the artifacts looked like and how they worked when in battle or what each item looked different and were never the same and they were unique.

Friday, 13 March 2015

How did people in the 30s cope with the depression

   People in the 30 coped with the great depression by going to the beach and swimming this was a inexpensive way to escape the well the horrors of every day life. swimming was also very popular in the summer when it was hot out side. They also escaped through music\ the radio this wasn't easy because if people knew that you had a radio that means that you had more money than every one else witch could led to you not being able to get food from the soup kitchens.  They could also escape through the television but at that time they were few and far between because they were most likely sold for money at that time

Canada during the 1914-1929

     These years in Canada's history are the years where we really became more independent. over these years Canada started to become less dependent on Britain  and more influenced by America. like by the way we dressed and the way we ate and even the way we acted. we also began to device, lie to and even keep stuff from Britain . therefore in these years Canada became more independent. I believe that it was bound to happen because even as people we get to a certain age where we become less dependent on mom and dad . Where we are more influenced by our friend pop-culture and the media in the same way Canada really became more independent in there "teenaged years."


In the 1920's we had a large amount of people investing in the stock market and the prices went up and up. while the businesses were doing horrible and they were losing out on a lot if money. eventually our karma would come back and kick us into the dust, and cause one of the worst times in Canadian history.

S.S. St.Louis

I agree with Canada's treatment of the refugees because i believe that if we did not have the money to keep them in Canada then we shouldn't have too.Canada made a responsible move because if we did bring them in then the economy would have been even worse and at that time we could not have that. It was also good because because we could have in the depression everyone was freaking out and if we brought in a bunch of refugees then there might have been a riot. There might have been a riot because people might have gotten mad that we brought inn a bunch of people that we didn't have money to keep here. I think Canada made a responsible and wise decision by doing what they did.

Friday, 6 March 2015

The Chanak Crisis

        The Chanak Crisis is the biggest event that happened to make Canadian independence grow. This is because Turkey had threatened Britain. Britain then volunteers Canada to help. Prime Minister King said no, its up to the Canadian parliament to decide. That was the first time someone had straight up said no to Britain, which shows how much Canadian independence is growing. It has since then changed Canadian identity over the years.

Week 4

During the 1920's Canada was developing more technology. Canada had cars, planes, trains, and many other things. Also Canada had machines to build roads, and more boats to transport goods. After the war Canada made prosthetics for people who were missing limbs after the war. This gave a lot of people more opportunities to get better jobs and have the country grow. Canada was slowly developing better things for their country.
                                      Week Three Becoming More Independent

During the 1920s Canada became more independent from Britain by keeping stuff from them like, "The Halibut Treaty ". were Canada successfully singed there first bill with out the permission of Britain.  Or trying to trick them when Prim Minster King convinced the Governor General to stay in power Actually it really complicated what he dose but it ends up working kind of . Finally when we right out defied Britain during the " The Chanak Crisis ." This happened when Brittan was being threatened and attacked yet Canada said that." I we need it talk it over before we jump in," and by the time a decision was came to it was already over.

Silent Films

These films were shown in public movie theaters, and said movie theaters being groundbreaking for its time. This has helped shaped Canada as it is today by letting more Canadians star in more of the old silent films than in the more modern day ones.

Blog Week 2 Woman after the war


                                     Woman in After WW1 

During WW1 woman in the work force were making up to 4 pounds a week which was a lot back then. After the men came back from war the woman found then selves back in the kitchen. Women weren't to pleased about being back in the kitchen and out of work after they proved there worth during the war. Women had been working hard in factories to keep the home front running so the men had something to come home to. This was a hard blow for the women because out of the blue they lost there jobs and went back to the kitchen with no recognition for what they had done. The look that women had also changed short hair and pants became more popular.,d.aWw&psig=AFQjCNGsz_lzMA4fxvOlD22bMKj9SHR8GA&ust=1429737772793457