Friday, 6 March 2015

Blog Week 2 Woman after the war


                                     Woman in After WW1 

During WW1 woman in the work force were making up to 4 pounds a week which was a lot back then. After the men came back from war the woman found then selves back in the kitchen. Women weren't to pleased about being back in the kitchen and out of work after they proved there worth during the war. Women had been working hard in factories to keep the home front running so the men had something to come home to. This was a hard blow for the women because out of the blue they lost there jobs and went back to the kitchen with no recognition for what they had done. The look that women had also changed short hair and pants became more popular.,d.aWw&psig=AFQjCNGsz_lzMA4fxvOlD22bMKj9SHR8GA&ust=1429737772793457

1 comment:

  1. Ruth-Ann, this appears to be British information rather than Canadian. Canadian currency was never in pounds. I think you can do better than this. Please watch your sentence structure (capitals), and wording. Woman = singular, like man, you meant women = plural, like men.
