Friday 13 February 2015

Blog Week 1 " The Three Worst Things About The Trenches "

There are so many horrible things about the trenches in WW1  and well for this activity i have to pick three so here we go. So I'm going to start with the rats that fed on the dead bodies in no mans land, and in the trenches. these gross creatures were not normal rats they got up to the size of house cats and were just nasty eww. The next worst thing about is the trench foot this nasty thing happens when the soldiers feet are wet for long periods of time. the skin on there feet peels of leaving the feet sore painful and deformed. The last and worst thing is gas attacks there horrible, yet the worst thing about gas attacks is the un predictability of then the gas could waft back into your own trench and it cant identify enemies from allies therefore making the use of gas a war crime.

1 comment:

  1. Ruth-Ann, I like the casual, conversational tone of your post.
    I absolutely agree that the first two things you mention (rats and trench foot) would be high on my list of worst things because of how disgusting they are.
