Friday, 20 February 2015

Example Propaganda post for week

One of the options for this week (Feb 20) is to choose a Canadian propaganda poster from World War One and analyze it.  To do this you need to start with a google image search for "Canadian World War One propaganda poster". Even with this very specific search it is possible that you will find posters from World War Two, or from countries other than Canada.  Choose carefully.

After you choose your poster, you need to get the URL for the image (not the website).  You will copy this (Ctrl C), then in your blog choose the icon that looks like a picture in a frame, select "From a URL" and paste (Ctrl P) the URL you copied.  You also need to cite your source (give credit to whoever posted it before).  You can do this by citing the website that posted the image you used - like I did below.

image from:

The URL for the image was really long, so I shortened it to the important part, then using a link, I included the whole URL that will take the reader to the image on the website.

You should do this whenever you use an image from the internet.

If you choose this option for your post, you then need to analyze the poster like the class did with Ms. Nixon on Thursday.

1 comment:

  1. I notice that it wants you to support the canadian government and its pro war.
