Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Welcome to Blogging!

We will be blogging in class weekly. Your blog posts will be part of your mark for the class.  It is your opportunity to share what you've learned the past week in a slightly more casual way.

Things to remember as you blog:

  • Anyone can read this!  Make sure you represent your self, the class and the school in an appropriate manner.  I would like to encourage other members of the school community and your parents to read our blog.  Be respectful of your readers and the members of class, including the teacher.  
    • So? Use proper English language conventions (spelling/grammar) not 'text speak'.  Don't be critical of class members.
  • Blogs allow multimedia opportunities.  Your post can (and should) include things in addition to your own writing.  
    • Like what?  You can insert images or short (less than 3 minutes) videos that add to your message or ideas.  When you do this, make sure that you tell your readers what they should get from the images or video.  Use phrases like: "You should notice in the video that..." or "This image clearly shows..."  You can also add hyperlinks (like I did there) to other pages or definitions to help the reader.  Aside: I prefer that hyperlinks  open in a new page (like I did there) so as a reader, I don't lose my original spot. 
  • Blogs should be interactive.  Your writing should encourage your readers to respond.  Write with that in mind.  
    • How? Ask a leading question, encourage feedback, say things that people will want to respond to.  BUT try to avoid just be argumentative for argument's sake.
Each week you will be allowed to choose from a couple topics.  Choose the topic that most interests you, or that you think you learned the most about and can start a conversation about.  If something else came up in class that you want to write about, just ask - it's likely fine.

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